Wednesday, June 24, 2009 ♥
♥ 5:07 PM
Back to posting again...
22nd juneawake at 10+..
ate breakfast, bath then went vivo with family and cousins...
see things make me wanna buy the things...
but no money to spend le ):
then lunch at the kopitiam, then went shop again...
at 6+ leave there buying a notebook and some chocolates..
reach home, went to downstair coffee shop eat..
watch a little bit of tv, then went to sleep...
23rd junenth to say
every hour do homework until mind burst liaos...
24th june(today!)wake at 9+
hotdog bun for breakfast then went to stare at table..
then lunch eat noodle..
chat with sis...
then went back staring at table..
very sian lehs...
also cannot hang out cus mum says next week sch re-open lerhqs...
open le so what?? not any big deal...
open le cannot go out meh??
got to go..
buaiix =D
Sunday, June 21, 2009 ♥
♥ 8:31 PM
awake at 10+ today...
hope to have a better day today...
hotdog bun for breakfast..
then went to sit on sofa...
then bath n went out to boon lay mrt station to meet darling, nuer, and tudi..
then went to yishun to meet someone n head back to lot one..
got there shop shop...
then went back to JP...
buy some tops...
shop around then went back home at 5+.
reach home, change clothings n went to prepare bbq things...
quite a nice day yea...
got to go now...
byes!! =D
Labels: have a happy life ahead
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 ♥
♥ 9:30 PM

my PERFECT science homework..
nice right??
finally finish doing.
spending almost 4-5 hrs of my time doing all this drawing n colouring..
all red is perfect, i think..
sis say my ovary looks like strawberry..
another boring day pass..
wish can go out shopping n slacking...
wna buys some more clothings...
wake at 9:30..
chocolate cake for breakfast and went down to buy newspaper...
read it for a long time to show mum that i'm a good girl..
but unfortunately, she keep sleeping until i'm fed up n went to do my own silly rubbish writing.
weather is getting hotter n hotter nowadays.. global warming..
air-con is important now to prevent flooding from our sweating.
gtg now...
Thursday, June 11, 2009 ♥
♥ 8:57 PM
everyday is a boring day!!
wake at 9+ today..
breakfast was chocolate and blackcurrant bread..
then went to newspaper reading.
at 1+ went to buy lunch with sis..
came back eat.. then went back reading storybook and doing mt homework.
dinner at 7, had beehoon.
watch some tv shows then went to read storybook again..
boring day!!
going die if live like this all day long..
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 ♥
♥ 10:03 PM
I felt that no one respect me.They just treat me like a maid.I felt hat i'm a lonely girl.They did not care about me.I felt that I am not in their life.They treat me like a transparent thingy.I felt that life is meaningles.You are all damn damn EVIL!!YOU ALL JUST CARE ABOUT YOUR OWN FEELINGS!!You always tell me to encourage others.But you did not tell them to encourage me.You all keep saying words that is making me feel weaker.I felt very discourage, when u say that i can just read 4 books in one term.I admit that i'm stupid. I can't do well like others.I felt very jealous of your attitude towards the others.You are always talking to them, not me.I felt very leftout, you know.haiz...
today's event..
wake up 11+..
bla bla bla..
went out with gina at 2.
went to library..
actually want to find 'romeo and juliet' storybook for doing literature poem.
but cannot find it so went to JP..
buy something to eat and drink, then went walk walk around.
reach home at 4+...
get scolded by mum for not borrowing books..
dinner then went to write rubbish at foolscap.
bla bla bla...
lazy to write...
Monday, June 8, 2009 ♥
♥ 4:45 PM
6th june Wake up at 10+ today...
Breakfast, 2 chocolate cake.
Then went to stare at the table, while music blarin gin the room.
Have fried rice for lunch, bath, then went to JP with sis.
Bought the thingy things that we need and went to bugis shop.
Bought some clothings and went back to JP to shop again.
when walking, saw the shoes that i have searching for months, so went to bought it in case i cannot find any more.
Then went fairprice xtra, to get the bbq things for next week father's day celebration.
went back home after that.
Dinner, have rice.
at 9:30 watch boys over flower
SICAO is damn cute!! XD
but the thing is zhihou never show up =(
junbiao n sicao really make a cute couples because of their
then after watching went back to sleep
7th june
a boring day.
stay at home do nothing.
don't feel like doing anything.
so just sit down there like a statue...
lunch is chicken rice, then went back to do the same thing again.
feel very restless the whole day.
dinner have fried rice.
then went to watch tv.
sleep at 11+
8th june(today!)
a boring day too!!
but not so restless like yesterday...
do science homework..
then went to chat with sis..
lunch at 1
then went back room listen to music...
Friday, June 5, 2009 ♥
♥ 4:59 PM is another boring day...
wake up at 9+...breakfast is 2 chicken pau.
then went to do homework...
damn el compo make me wanna sleep.
no matter how much i try to think, i still can't think of a way to write out.
last time, i can immediately write out when i saw the question but now...
have i become more stupidier??
no, that's impossible..maybe the question got some problem...
Q: 'Singapore is a land free of discrimination'. How far do you agree to this statement?
A: How am I suppose to know??
haiz...then went back to do my mother tongue worksheet.
at 1, finally finshed the 50 words but still got some close passage and compre to go...
holidays is for us to rest not to do so much homework. why just teacher can't understand??
then mum n dad came back from their 'honeymoon'(i mean shopping haha!!)
went to jurong west market for lunch, chicken rice and sugarcane drink.
went to see ah gong after that, and then went back home after a short while.
on the way back home, mum began to say me again, about me talking to sis when she is now having exams...
haiz...why everything is my fault again?? is she is the want who talk to me about her problems right??
Home sweet home, change clothes and went to eat pancakes bought by my mum...
holidays are just so tiring...
I wish there is some medicines to cure boredness...
Labels: holidays are boring
Thursday, June 4, 2009 ♥
♥ 8:58 PM
Decided today's the time to change my blogskin..
today's a boring day but a happy night.
first woke up at 10+...
breakfast is burger..
then went inside my room stare at table again..
don't feel like doing anything today...
went out of the room sit at the dining table..
saw that mum bought a small barbeque pit for us to barbeque at home..
really very happy.. thanks mum!! I love you, although I still can't forget the fight between us yesterday...
then lunch, have a bowl of fried noodles and 1 apple..
then went to do chinese homework...
but later do until head gonna burst...
found out that no matter how much i do also no use...
i will always be stuck at the page.. lol..
then finally sis came back from school, we talked and ate potato chips...
dinner have 1 bowl of porridge with french fries and some veggie..
oh yea!! ate a lot of french fries..
then watch television and locked myself in room..
then suddenly found out live chat is today. look at the time and quickly on computer...
i always had a boring day...
Labels: boring day
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 ♥
♥ 10:18 PM
i'll tell you the answers you ask me just now...
Q: Why your attitude towards me is getting bad to worst?
A: You are the one who always wanna make me cry.
Q: If i do not like you, i will not provide the basic necessities you need like buying clothes you, cooking food for you to eat.
A: You give me all the things i wanted because you have already given birth to me. You have no choice but to take care of me.
Q: What thing makes you unhappy about?
A: You are bais and always scold me whenever others are at fault.
Did I answer it correctly? I have check the answers thoroughly.
I know you are going to deny it. You can lie to me but not to yourself.
I only stand 1% in your heart, while the other stand 19%. 18% of difference.
It is a bit unfair, isn't it?
I work so hard to make you happy but you are always so...
You are always encouraging them but not me.
All the results I got is all my effort, not yours.
You did not encourage me as the same you encourage bro n sis.
i'm the want who is always suffering not you.
Even though i love you so much, u all still say no.
it's the opposite isn't it??
today's event:
wake up at 9:45am
ate 2 chocolate cake and 1 cup of soya bean milk.
went to do homework..
then at 1pm, have fried rice and 1 apple for lunch.
then the quarrel started out with me and my mum...
she is always helping my brother..
i don't understand, why does all the fault has to be blame on me when brother did something wrong??
you say we should not scold him to make him feel very don't know whatever feeling...
then you are wrong...
then dinner, have rice and soup...
then went to locked myself in the room without talking to anyone...
then come out of the room, watch television..
then went to locked in room again...
why can life be so complicated..
i wish i wouldn't exist in this world...
Labels: life is so complicated
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 ♥
♥ 7:28 PM
woke up at 7:30 this morning,
went back to sleep then wake at 7:50..
brush teeth wash face then ate hotdog bun with cheese tomato n mayonnaise and bread with jam..
after a huge breakfast, went to change to uniform as no time to bath lerhqs
get ready for math olympiad..
went to classroom, sit then start the 'exam'...
damn difficult si0l...anyhow tikkam...
then finally release from the boring exam thingy...
went home...have green n red apple and fried rice for lunch
lol! don't know why nowadays my appetite so good...
then went to stare at my table again...
damn hot, so went to bath..
after a nice bathing, do my homework..
then dinner, one bowl of rice with fish n veggie..
gosh!! i think i'm gonna get fatter...need to lose some weight..haha!!
after dinner, went to arrange the things on my table cus table is damn messy derhqs.
mum got back say that ah gong today 无精打采 derhqs..
sit there, fall, put straight up again, sit, fall, put straight up again..
keep repeating the same
here's my day...
hope tomorrow is better...
*end of text*
Monday, June 1, 2009 ♥
♥ 3:57 PM
blame sis n dad for waking up early in this morning...
woke at 7:50.. lol...
cannot sleep after that so went to brush teeth wash face.
breakfast is 2 currypuff(yay!)..still a little bit hungry so eat bread with jam...
then went to listen to music meanwhile staring at my own table again..
then at about 10, do english comprehension which is DAMN DAMN difficult...
mange to finish it...
lunch at 1, had noodles, ate two bowls n 1 bowl orange n 1 green apple..
don't know why today damn hungry derhs...
then play with hamster, then parents starting to quarrel again about my sis...
haiz..nothing to do with me so went to do my own things...
after they stopped, came out of my room, play with hamster again...
then my gek poh brother went to tell me that sis stole his money..
tell him to shut up and mind his own business...
then he scold me back cb...
dad heard it and put a slap on his buttock..haha..
with reddy face he locked himslef in the room...
haha...serve him right for being so gek poh
sis went home by then, dad question her and mum began scolding her...
haiz...tmr maths olympiad competition...sigh!!
really wish i can don't go...need to stay there for 3hrs...
got to go now..hope i can blogged again tomorrow!!