Sunday, January 31, 2010 ♥
♥ 5:18 PM
I don't know what's happening to me, but I'm feeling quite scared and stress now. Sigh. Eveything seems to be not working right for me nowadays. Didn't went out yesterday, only to dance class. Today is not my day too. Stayed at home and study yeas. But afterwards become quite disturbing and feel stressful and scared of everything. Relaxed jiayan! You can do it derhqs! Haha! Three tests coming up next week and I'm still not really prepared yet! Damn me! Next week scedule:
Mon: Choir practice(3:00pm-5:00pm)
Tues: -
Wed: Public Speaking workshop(2:25pm-4:30pm)
Thurs: Physics class(2:30pm-3:30pm)
Friday: -(still not sure yet..hehe..)
I'm still not done with my social studies homework. Seriously, i do not know what I'm learning on humanities. ):
Friday, January 29, 2010 ♥
♥ 11:57 PM
Was studying halfway and I'm here blogging! Hehe! I was hoping i could go shopping tomorrow in the afternoon after I've done helping mama mopped the floor. There's a list of things I'm craving. I really want those things! Chinese new year is coming in about two weeks time and yet I didn't have the time to shop for clothes, goodies etc etc. Sigh! Next week is gonna be the first scariest week for me as there's... TEST! Ahh!!! Help needed! A-maths on next Tues, E-maths and Chemistry on wed. Sigh! Got to go and study now! Byes! (;
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 ♥
♥ 9:44 PM
I'm just a jerk.
Everything I do is always not acceptable.
It always appear wrongly despite the way I wanted it to turn out.
But from this, it makes me realise one thing.
I can trust no one anymore...
Hey yo! I'm back posting yarhqs! Have been busy with my schoolwork yea, so didn't have the time to post. It's only the fourth week of school yet it was damn so tiring for me! Sigh! Tests and quizzes are coming up, or i should said that quizzes have already started for E-maths, A-maths and Physics in the past two weeks? Currently till now, I have 2 surprise E-maths quiz, 1 surprise A-maths quiz and 2 quizzes on physics, 1 surprise and 1 non-surprise. Got back some of the results. 8/10 for E-maths quiz 1, 6/12 for A-maths quiz and 23/25 for physics quiz 1. Was quite disappointed with the results i got. I should have gotten full marks if I hadn't make any careless mistakes. Damn me! Was so angry with myself. Let's not talk about it.
21st Jan
Went out with mama and didi after physics class in school. Chiong back home and bath. Bus-ed down to jurong point and meet up with jiejie. Then, mama and jiejie went to open a bank account while i roam around jurong point for a while. At about 7 plus, went back to the bank and guess what? They are still waiting. So, waited for them till 8p.m. and went to have dinner at the outside kopitiam. After dinner, went fairprice xtra to buy some things. Reached back home at around 9 plus.
22nd Jan
Nothing really fun to talk about. CCA fair in the afternoon. Choir is like mad dog on that day singing crazily. LOL!
23rd Jan
Went to jurong point with papa and didi at around 11 plus in the night. Took this cute 'little' dumbo with papa carrying it. Haha! I wanted to buy but papa say i got loads of soft toy at home le. Lol. Shopped around till mama off work and went home. Hom-ed at 4 in the morning.
24th Jan
Wake at 9 plus. Do homework and went out with papa, mama and didi to Jurong West market. Walked around there. Bought egg rolls! Whoohoo!
25th Jan
It was Monday again! Sigh! Was hell tired, but no choice. Here's my scedule of this week:
Monday: choir practice(3pm~5pm)
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: Public speaking workshop(2:25pm~4:30pm)
Thursday: Chemistry class(2:30pm-3:30pm)
Friday: Choir practice(2:30pm-4:30pm)
26th Jan
Napped till 4 plus today immediately after i reached home. Tears dropped off my eyes again while i'm sleeping. It's too difficult for me to face the reality. I really hate it.
Sunday, January 17, 2010 ♥
♥ 3:37 PM
16th Jan
Hehe! I'm back posting on yesterday. So basically, I was woken up by my irritating didi, who came by my bed and make loud noises at 9:23a.m. Had no choice, so get up. Had curry puff for breakfast, and do my chemistry homework. Some questions was quite difficult to understand. After doing it, it was 12 plus, so went to have my lunch. MI FEN WITH FISHCAKE AND SEAWEED CHICKEN! It was quite a lot so was full after eating half of it. Help mama with the house chores. Bath after that. While waiting for mama to get ready, I was trying a new hairstyle which makes me look too mature, i think. Here's a photo of it.

Haha! Headed to Jurong Point with mama and didi at ard 4p.m. Went to popular and bought a thesaurus and some assessment books. Was about to go after buying, when I saw LiHui, LiRong, Elizabeth and Valerie. Chatted for a while, and suddenly realised that I've forgotten to buy dividers and notebook for English. Was rushing for dance class, so Elizabeth helped me buy first. Reached home at around 6 plus. Ate Hor Fun for dinner and headed for dance class. Learnt the same song but the steps was difficult. Collected the 'bling bling' dancefactory shirt and headed back home. Played with lappy for a while and slept at 1 plus.

17th Jan

Wake at 9:10a.m. today. Ate 2 slices of raisin bread for breakfast and get ready to go out. Meetup with JiaYang, and headed to basketball court near 9head. He taught me how to play, but I was still damn lousy. I don't even know how to throw the ball high up! I've no strength i guess. Left JiaYang & COs at around 12 plus. Reached home and bath.

Ate lunch and played with lappy. Going to revised for Physics later, as there will be a quiz next tuesday. Till here then! Off now! (:
Saturday, January 16, 2010 ♥
♥ 11:06 PM
It's Saturday! Hehe! Yay! I'm beginning to like Saturdays more than Fridays now! Lol... Maybe it automatically changes when choir practices have been changed to every Mondays and Fridays, which mean no nappings from now on! Damn! I hate it! Sigh! Just get back home from dance class. Was really tired now and i've problems uploading photo. Will post tomorrow then. (:
Friday, January 15, 2010 ♥
♥ 10:01 PM
Hooray! It's friday! Didn't get to post for the past few days as I was busy with homeworks. It's only the 2nd week of school, and a bunch of homeworks came out! Needed to stay back for school till very late too, because of CCAs and enrichment programmes. Slept at 12 plus every night and wake at 6 plus in the morning. That means i've only 6 hours of sleep per day. It's not enough for me man! A teenager need at least 8 hours of sleep! Let's see what's the scedule for this week..
Mon: Choir practice
Tues: -
Wed: English enrichment programme & Choir practice
Thurs: Chemistry class
Fri: Choir practice
I was being booked up by school for four out of the five days in school. Was damn tired man. Gonna get some sleep now! Byes!
And oh by the way, i take this photo and i find it quite odd.. Lol..
Sunday, January 10, 2010 ♥
♥ 2:35 PM
Back to posting yeas! It was suppose to be 10th january in the afternoon now, but I think my blogger timing was mess up! Haha... Didn't post for the past few days, as I was sick. In fact, I came back home on the first day of camp in the evening! Was feeling dizzy because of the hot sun? Sigh! Really wanted try those high elements, but i was feeling like I'm going to faint! By the way, thanks lots to Mrs Raj and Mdm Santhi for sending me home, and Ms Jane Kang for caring about me! Was feeling unwell too for the following 2 days, so didn't turn up for school. It was terrible for me. I'll blog about yesterday, where I am feeling better...
9th Jan
Was feeling better from all those stupid freaking hell sickness, making me feel so stressful for the past 3 days. It was a disaster for me! Haha! Wake at 11 plus. Ate bee hoon with sausage for breakfast. Help to mop the floor after eating. Mama says I still look very weak, so gave me children chicken essence to drink which tasted yuck! But it's for my health. After all the moppings, have fish porridge for lunch. Shared with jiejie as we were both very full at that time. Then, papa came back with the gift which shushu bought for us when he is in Shanghai. It was a glass bear wearing clothes. Jiejie got a pink one, didi got a yellow one and i got purple. Hehe..

Cute right? Lol... Help didi with his work after lunch. Then went to prepare for hiphop class. Learnt a new song called 'T-shirt', if i'm not wrong. The song title was kinda weird, and the dance steps was quite difficult but fun! Later, papa and didi came to fetch me and jiejie, and we went to Jurong Point together. Bought my things and headed back home. Home-d at around 11 plus.
10th Jan
Needed to wake up at 8 in the morning today for the edusave scholarship. Money for me!! Haha! 400 hundred dollars! XD After collecting the money, headed back home. Do some work. In fact, I had quite a boring day though, so i have nothing to post on today, accept for the scholarship thingy. Till here then! Post next time!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 ♥
♥ 7:07 PM
Wake up a little bit late today for school. Was damn freaking tired. When my alarm went off, I was like "tmd, can shut up a not? people want to sleep la!" But still woke up in the end by jiejie. She shouted at me saying, "GET UP LA, YOU PIGGY!" No choice so have to get up. ): School was fine today.
Physics - Being taught by Mrs Seah. Was a shocked for me man! Only 12 people take pure physics out of the 40 people in the class. Damn pathetic right? Started on the first chapter on measurements liao.. So fast..
E-maths - Mrs Tan went for course today. Combined with Ms Cai's class at the AVA theatrette. Started on the first chapter on Indices.
Chinese - Did some work in class...
A-maths - Mdm hafiani take over Mrs Tan instead. She teaches real fast. Some of the question she told us to do was quite difficult to solve.
History - Watch movies about world world one and two. Didn't really touch on textbook.
That's it. Went home after school. Hom-ed at around 2 plus. Bath, ate lunch, and went to solve the A-maths question. Was quite difficult though. Nearly stressing up, but mama and jiejie say cus it's first time doing. Didn't finish doing too. Packed bag for tomorrow camp. I really don't want to do but no excuse. 3D2N siol! I wish I coould be sick in the middle of the camp and went home... Off to facebook le! Will post about the camp after i return! (:
Monday, January 4, 2010 ♥
♥ 6:49 PM
First day of school! Was excited to meet my friends again! XD Decided to pin up my fringe from now on when going to school, cus later that damn DM come and catch me again! He is so bias! Last year, keep catching my fringe instead of others whose fringe is longer than my!

My form teachers for this year are: Ms Wang, Mr Lien and Mdm Cheng. Ms wang will be teaching me CE, Mdm Cheng teaches MT. Mr Lien will not be teaching me anything cus he is teaching D&T. Haha!

First two periods was
CI. Was quite boring though, cus the class was damn quiet. Only Mr Lien's voice could be heard. He was talking and talking non-stop about the rules and regulations in class. Ms Wang re-arrange out seating arrangement. Sat with LiHui.. (:
The third period was MT. Sat with YuLing. The lesson was okay though.
Fourth period...MATHS! XD I love maths man! Our maths class was banded into 3 different groupings. I'm been taught by Ms Sharon Tan, which she will also be my A-maths teacher.
Fifth period was actually CE, but Ms Wang says she needs to settle the class communication and class comittee, so it was been change to CI. And damn, I've become the CE rep. , cus Ms Wang says that everyone had to has a role. Lol!
After school, accompany YuLing and NieXuan to the bookshop. Then Esther and LiRong came down too, so waited for them like about 15 mins. After that, I went off first cus later mama want to bring me out to Jurong Point popular to buy assessment books. Need to start revising now, cus next year o'levels liaos!!

Reached home at around 2 plus. Bath, and changed into clothings. Waited a while for didi to bath. Bus-ed down to Jurong Point. Searched for the books, but only manage to find books for EL, MT, EM, Chem, Phy and SS. Bought 6 exercise books for me to write notes. After that, paid for the books. When walking to the interchange, I was kinda lost cus first time been to the interchange. Kinda went to the wrong direction arhqs. Bus-ed back home myself, cus mama and didi wanna go to Jurong east popular to see whether got didi's books. HSH at 6 plus. Ate dinner, and play lappy. Till here then, byes! (:
Sunday, January 3, 2010 ♥
♥ 4:48 PM
Waken up by my brother at 10:53 a.m. today. Damn him! I was freaking tired. But when I opened my eyes in the morning, I knew that I cried again. My eyes was full of eyes dirt and was teary. Sigh! But it was better today cus I am feeling better. Tried to call god mama in the afternoon, but she was not at home, I think, as there was no one there to pick up the phone. Guess I try to call her again later. She may be helping up my erbiaoge with his wedding on 7th Jan, which i will be in camp. I want to attend siol, but mama don't allow me to skip school. ): Talking about school, time flied so fast man! In a blink of an eye, school starting tomorrow. Found out from my friends that i'll be in 3v6 next year. I'm still in a holiday mood! I still want to play! Jiejie no need to go school, cus she is still waiting for her o's result... Good luck! Till here then! Off to facebook! (:
Saturday, January 2, 2010 ♥
♥ 11:33 PM
Haiz.. A really very tiring day for me. Slept till 12 plus today. I kept dreaming about the times that i had with god mama during the china trip. It maked me wanna cry everytime when i think about her. Mama say that i had to get over it. Not everything can stay with me forever. Sigh! Guess i had to listen to her advice then. Was damn sad. Feel like nothing. Jiejie says i look very sick in this way. Lol. Don't feel like posting much now. Sign off now!
Friday, January 1, 2010 ♥
♥ 7:25 PM
Happy New Year! XDHeys! I'm back from China! Didn't have the time to post before i went off cus busying packing my luggage that night. China was damn hell cold! 4-19 degrees celcius!

That day reached Changi Airport at 6 plus. Check in around that time too! Was dammmmnnn excited, cus can see god mama again! I love her! She is my life! XD

Take some photos before boarding the plane.

Me and jiejie!

The orange juice i drank during the flight. They give us scrambled egg, sausage, potato, fruits, and bread with jam for breakfast. Only ate the sausage, 1/2 scrambled egg and some fruits. Gave jiejie the potato cus i don't eat potato!

Lol! The uncle sitting beside me fast asleep! Zzzz...
The first want i saw when me and jiejie headed out of the airport is god mama! Haha! She kinda shouted, "They come liaos", in chinese. Was damn happy to see her again! The people who came to fetch us are: God mama, dajiu, erjiu, dabiaosao, erbiaoge, 'going-to-be'erbiaosao and my cute cousin name Xinpeng...

Stay at Xiamen for 3D2N. Stayed at erbiaoge and 'going-to-be'erbiaosao house. Their house was damn clean.. even cleaner than my! Haha.. Slept with god mama! In fact i sleep with her every night... Cus i simply can't bear to leave her...

Went back to 'shan tou', my god mama house, after that. There was dirty, cus it's village. But I like to stay there at night cus god mama sleep with me every night. Feel very comfortable sleeping with her..but very cold... Oh, and ya, me and jiejie got sick together on the second day night! We vomitted food out and got high fever! 39.0 degrees celcius man! Lol!

Our luggage...

The bed that me and god mama sleep! XD