Wednesday, April 28, 2010 ♥
♥ 4:43 PM
To Amanda: I read your blog, so I decided to tell you why. You said that you treated me as good friend yet you make me upset by pissing me off. Saying I don't believe you? You should at least say the truth out when I first ask you why is my book being torn. Instead, you lie and claim that you didn't tear my book. How am I suppose to believe you now? And everyone should know I hate liars, and I will usually believe what others had told me, unless there is something which makes real sense that you are lying. There's only you and me who lay a finger on that book since last wednesday. So I confronted you when I saw first see the sight of you, without any further thinking. You should know that I like my book to be perfect not to be destroyed or torn. And, you should know that I don't like to lend my things to anybody. Maybe you think I'm selfish or what so ever, but this is me. I chose to lend you my book, trusting that you would handle with care. And what I got back is an exercise book with torn pages. You should at least sms me or call me when you tear the book. At least I won't be so angry. But since you've admitted, I do not want to elaborate much further. I do not want to bring up this matter anymore.
Hey! Back posting again! School was so damn tiring! Most teacher was rushing to finished the chapters for MYE.

Teehee! Had a hershey bar , oreo and some butter cookies just now. Gosh! I'm really going to get fat, but I want it, so I don't look like a bamboo stick. (:
MYE is starting next week and yet I haven't started revising. I bet I won't be posting until end of MYE. Tatas! (:
Saturday, April 17, 2010 ♥
♥ 4:26 PM

Gosh! I think I'm going to get fat after this week! I kept eating chocolates, biscuits and anything that kept tempting me to squeeze them into my mouth. But it's good, cus I'm underweight right now, whick makes me look like a bamboo stick, just like what others had told me. But funny, I still don't understand why I can't see the what others had told me about how I look in the mirror whenever I looked at it. I feel that I looked like the same as last time. Sigh! I wished I could gain a few more kilograms, maybe aroud 1kg first?? Haha!
Something pissed me off yesterday. Damn it. When I looked at your handphone(I'm sorry, cus I was curious), you sms your friend something which really make me feel angry and upset. Am I so hateful to you? Am I such a bitch to you? You treat me as if like I'm your maid which do everything you command, help you get your food, be your listening ears, and etc etc. That's why now, I'm leading a miserable life. It's all because of you. I know I'm stupid enough to copycat you sometimes or helping you to do all your rubbish stuffs, but I really wanted you to treat me equally. I wish I could knock you down till you wake up. I'm not trying to copycat you all whatever shit you thinking right now. I was wishing you could understand how I felt only. You make me hate myself. You make me do things that let others think I'm hell mad.
Today was boring for me though. But I must thank mama and her voice for waking me so early up, cus I was having a nightmare. I dreamt something like in the house of night novel book 6 -tempted, the last chapter. I dreamt that instead of kalona killing heath, I dreamt that it's one other person that I love the most being killed by him. I was zoey trying to save her but ended up being too late. Just like what zoey did. She was too late to save Heath. Sigh! Such a sad and cruel ending though. Okay, back. So I wake up, had 2 cakes to settle my breakfast, and headed to write my SS notes on governance. Managed to write finish though. Hehe! *Claps! Claps!* I was half way till writing on history notes on treaty of versalies when my stomach started growling. Hehe, so went down to get sth for lunch then. After lunch, back to my job again.
Having a headache right at this moment so decide to rest while munching on my Mars bar and having a drink of yakult to re-charge my brain cells. Mama wouldn't allowed me to drink, so I purposely drank it right infront of her. So now she is ranting non-stop. Tee hee! (:
Friday, April 16, 2010 ♥
♥ 3:52 PM
Teehee! Hungry right now, so eating the second packet of oreo! Yum Yum!
Thinking about yesterday seriously make me pissed off like hell. Firstly, I didn't slept well because of coming back home late from the NDP thingy, and I've to rushed home and get my homework done till around 12. Secondly, some kind of 'incident' happen in PE, which makes me really really damn pissed off. Don't want to elaborate much. Thirdly, I believe someone when sabo me to the DM about my hair and skirt. Seriously, I was so damn fucked up. You being caught by the DM, so be it. Why go sabotage others siol? Damn it, though I'm still quite unsure about which is the girl, but I'm sure I didn't do anything wrong/sabotage anyone this year. Sigh, forget about it. It only makes me feel irritated.
Today was fun fun! Water festival woahs! Actually was not planning to play water in the field but was being dragged by Carisa. I thought it would be kind of boring but didn't expect it too be so fun! Got splashed from head to toe. Hehe.
Till here then. Checking my FB and heading to my study plan after that! (:
Sunday, April 11, 2010 ♥
♥ 7:29 PM

Haiish... It's a sunday again. My brain cells is still not yet charge till 100% man! I've not been sleeping well though for the past few days. Everytime, I would wake up all of a sudden with a start after 4-6hrs sleep, feeling panicky and somehow everything pissed me off. I slept at 4 plus yesterday and was wide awake at 10am in the morning. It's just only 5 plus hrs of sleep and wake up a few times between that 5 hrs. Mama says I'm giving myself the 'stress', so I can't sleep properly. Lol.
Just have my dinner. Rice with spinach and 'xue yu'. Nice nice, but I'm not in the mood to enjoy anything right now. I was just simply leading a moody day today. Was writing SS notes after breakfast. And, was really damn fucking pissed off, cus I didn't really know what's going to come out for exam. I missed the remedial for Comb. Humanities because of the NDP rehearsals. I was copying the whole chunk of notes out of the textbook, which was damn lot, and I didn't know which one was important. Or I should say, I didn't even know what is it all about? Or it was just simply memorising the notes that I've made without understanding it at all? Sigh!
Going to finish up writing my SS notes today. (:
Saturday, April 10, 2010 ♥
♥ 5:44 PM
Studying for the whole morning for about 2-3 hrs?? Not bad hur. Feeling exhausted after writing down the notes that I promised myself to finished it today. But tiredness was killing me though, so decides to stop halfway of writing my chapter 2 notes for my social studies and had a chocolate biscuit to boost my energy.(: Seriously from the first term of study till now, I still do not understand what is social studies all about. Only knows that it is about government.
I am craving for loads of things right now, and I didn't know why. Mama says I shouldn't buy so much things now, cus I'm still studying. Lol. That's why she didn't want to bring me out nowadays. Maybe she was scared that I may spent my money on some nonsensical and useless stuffs again and ended up being bankcrupt. Hehe. I like to spent money on loads of chunks which I won't be able to use it or do anything about it. Just bought it for fun, and leave it at there to admire. After that, when tired of it, then throw/give it away. Such a waste of money though. Maybe I should think before buying stuffs that I wanted, so that my money wouldn't fly off so easily from my wallet.
Dance lesson later. Gosh! I haven't have time to learn the steps. Three cosecutive days with test this week, which really tire me out. Some more surprise A-Maths quiz yesterday. My brain is gonna burst by working every second. Need to put wires to re-charge it again. Hehe.
Friday, April 9, 2010 ♥
♥ 5:05 PM
MYE TIMETABLE'S OUT!!! 4 MORE WEEKS! AHHH!! Seriously, I'm so stressed up when the teachers says timetable is out. That means, we will have more homeworkS to do and remedials to attend to. So, while looking at the timetable, I managed to grab a packet of biscuit to eat. Haha! I was hungry though I ate instant noodles for lunch. Haha!
School today was quite tiring for me though. I didn't have enough sleeps for the past 5 days, which definitely makes me mad!! I can't even have a nice naps now thinking about the upcoming MYE. I haven't complete finishing wrting all my notes. This year seems to goes to fast. It was just like a few weeks I came back from China in december and MYE is here. Lol.

I'll end here then. Going back to my bookworm days. Hehe!! =PLabels: MYE timetable
Saturday, April 3, 2010 ♥
♥ 7:21 PM
It was didi's voice who woke me up from my beauty sleep today. Sigh! I was shouting and screaming for him to shut off his damn loud irritating voice. By the time he stopped, I was wide awake. Then suddenly, I remembered that mama was going to bring me to the doctor again. ): Mama kept calling me to hurry, while I am purposely taking my time to change clothes. What I am damn pissed off was when we reached there at 2, it was the doctor's lunch break and we had to wait for one hour plu before he will be back! Seriously, mama should have called and checked. Sigh! So, we headed to West Coast Plaza and walked around. Not much nice to shop there though, but there was loads of food restaurant. Finally, it was 3 plus and we headed back. After that, home sweet home.
Time flies so past. There was only 1234 weeks to MYE. *Nervous* And there is A-Maths, E-maths and Physics test coming up next week! Seriously, I really have no time. I kept thinking about the last year, the times where I went out with mama on weekends. Now I don't even have a minute to spare! ):
Dance lesson later! (: Gonna go prepare now!
Friday, April 2, 2010 ♥
♥ 11:34 PM

Outing with cousin today! I was suppose to sleep till 11 plus, but was woken up by mama's loud scoldings for didi. So no choice, had to wake up at 10 plus and watch the show. Actually I was scowling at didi. Lol. Get ready and train-ed down to woodlands to meet Angeline, and we train-ed down to plaza sing. Gosh! There was kind of a crowd there when we reached. Had our lunch settled at mac, and went strolling around the huge mall. Ps it was my first time there. Hehe. After that, train-ed down to FEP. I remembered that there's a shoe that I was craving so much the last time I went there, and we went hunting for it. In the end, we found it. It was still available, so we went into the shop and check it out. It was nice, and I was still considering whether to should I purchase it. The shop owner says that it was limited and there's only one pair, which push me forward to purchase it. Haha, so yea, I bought it. Window shopping and train-ed back home. That's all for today! Tatas!
Thursday, April 1, 2010 ♥
♥ 11:19 PM
Happy April's Fool Day!! XD
Frankly speaking, this is the most boring april's fool day I've ever had in my whole life. I was being tricked 2 times only, which was definitely not fun at all. Sigh!