Sunday, June 27, 2010 ♥
♥ 1:28 PM
26th June
Didn't went for NDP rehearsal as my muscles is aching. Two days dance straight. How pathetic.
Maid's arrival! Head to Bukit Timah shopping centre with papa and mama to fetch the maid.
Camwhoring at papa's vehicle(Lol!)...
First my face...
Next. Get sick and tired of my face so... my 'pretty leg'... Lol.
Lol. I was laughing when I snap this photos. Mama thought I was going insane.
Papa and Mama.
And f0r the entire afternoon, I was trying to 'polish' my dance steps, but to no avail. Maybe there's not ample time for me. But overall, the dance class, it's fun though, having all the formation, running here and there.
27th June
School actually resuming tomorrow. I'm still pondering whether I've completed all the given assignments. That's what I despise the most during holidays. I tend to romp and romp and romp and fail to remember that what's the assignments I've not done.
Just scrutinise my weight. 40kg. Lol. Lol. Then what's my height? I'm not interested in my weight but height. Lol.
Till here then. Off to fb for the very last and lengthy time!! Think I won't be using computer frequently as homeworks is going to lodge in my time. (:
Friday, June 25, 2010 ♥
♥ 9:55 PM
Today is the most electrifying day... DANCE EXAM! Fail to attend my chemistry lesson. The timings coincide, so opt to go for dance exam, as mama spend $285 for it!! Have to rouse early in the morning as we have to arrive at Taman Jurong CC ahead of the exam time. It was fairly average,, but the terrifying thing was, what if I fail?? Lol.
It's around 11 plus when the exam cease, so together with dancemates went to vivocity and had lunch at pizzahut. After eating. Jiejie accompany me to have hair treatment as she promised. The others went off to sentosa. Sigh! Me and jiejie was desiring to go, but we didn't bring extra clothings.
Haiiz.. Lazy to elaborate any further. Exhausted ttm!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 ♥
♥ 3:37 PM
Hang out with Gina yesterday. Ample miss her ttm. Had a splendid time with her. Pine for the times when we are still in Primary school, together with Carisa, Gen and Serene. The laughter and quarrels we had throughout our primary school life. Though we've our own controversy, we still muddle through carrying on our friendship. No matter what happen, we fight for each other, making sure that we are all cheery. Guys, I really miss you all. Can we root out a day to hangout and refresh out memory 4 years back? We were best friends for entirely one whole year.
Flashing back makes me horrible. Look at the fate that I've opt for myself. It seriously sucks. I've eternally plump to cheerful and socialise. But because of this incident which happened last year(that person, might not even know what I'm talking), I'm desiring to be solitary. Thanks for the pitch in to make me perceive that everyone around me is distrustful. Thanks for making me giving this fucking awesome attitude by ignoring everyone's opinion including my family members. Thanks for letting me tear till I've no more drops of tears to shed. Thanks for all the sympathetic stuffs you've done that let my life gone even worst. Yes, we've an exceedingly deep scar left in out friendship. Nothing can mend it. And I don't even bother whether it can be fix. It can never be patch. Even sitching won't aid. I just crave for a friend who is trustable and have their own style. And I thought I've found one. But tragically. I'm erroneous. It's all a dream. A reverie that I'm hankering for. A phenomenon that won't exist. How folly am I. But don't be too delighted about it. If following(trying to say in a nice way) someone is your job, Then I'm telling you now I've seen retribution on it's way. I'll tell you what this crap about. I've notice it. You will end up being like me if you continue to adhere to your mindset. Just relaying some advice hurh. Yes, I'm attempting to be evil uttering some noble advice ti you. It's up to you now, whether you want to save this crap that I'm reciting to the future without me existing in your eyes in that time, or choose to let me see it and laugh about it. Your decision ehs. I won't interfere about it anymore. I've comment about it ample times. I won't want to dissipate saliva, telling you again and again.
World is just agony brutal. Letting me trust you is just the most marvellous mistake that I've ever made. And now, my life. There's no disparity living in here and in netherworld. Seeing you hurt me. I've never been so grieve and feeble before. Thanks to you and your arduous work for turning me to another completely exotic person. Will eternally list you in my heart to consistenly prompt myself not to have faith in anyone.
This post make me lunatic. Now I irrevocably grasp that abhorness do exist in my life. I don't use to trust it. And now, I believe being isolated is the best way for me to continue living.
Monday, June 21, 2010 ♥
♥ 6:27 PM

Pictures taken past few days...
Celebrated daddy's day yesterday at. . . SWENSENS! And guess what? Jiejie treat us again. I'm besotted with the hot fudge! It was agony flavoursome! But I'm still relish to Crystal jade. The xiao long bao! I pine for it man! Come back, xiao long bao come back to me, come back. . . Lol. Must be pondering whether a not I'm demented. But overall, it was a convivial outing. Teehee!
♥ 6:20 PM
I grudge on people who are rich.
I grudge on people who have the word 'trust' in their living.
I grudge on people who are brainy.
I grudge on people who need not agonise on their life
I grudge on people who have a devoted family.
I grudge on people who have all the stuffa that they yearn for.
Should I resigned to reality? Sigh. It makes my life such a torment.
Thursday, June 17, 2010 ♥
♥ 12:59 PM
Using jiejie's lappy to post so no photos today. It sucks.
Head to Frontier library with jiejie yesterday to study. But the weather was damn agony cold, which nearly tempt us to doze off any sooner. After that, we withdraw ourselves and head towards the frontier cafe to take our late lunch. Had roti prata, roti paper prata, peanut toast and cold dark chocolate drink. It was delectable. Ps, it was my very first time munching there. Lol.
Chance to encounter Mr Rat while me and jiejie was consuming the appetising meal. It was jiejie who spotted him and she was like, 'Jiayan! 你看!' His tail was fucking lengthy la! I believe is approximately 15cm? Didn't manage to take a photo. He scurry off damn speedy la. Sigh. ):
I'm gonna strive to complete my homework by this week. The next week I'm intending to head to the library alone to study. (:
I am just a stupid fool.
No matter how much endeavour I put in,
all I get is just an unhappy face.
All I yearn for is justice.
It's only a minor request.
Monday, June 14, 2010 ♥
♥ 8:54 PM

I'm back!!

Chomping on one whole bottle of choco hello panda alone right now. I have swallow more than half a bottle by now. OMG!!
I assume that I have been turning fatter and fatter. Kept munching non-stop. Gonna scrutinise my weight tonight. If I'm 40kg or more, I suppose I will be back to my normal self and adhere to the healthy diet, which means 3 meals per day. If I've not reach my targeted weight, guess I've devour more food then. Teehee.
As a matter of fact, I'm plain jealous to those whose body has nice figure. I yearn to be like them. To tell the truth, I've lost ample kg from last year. I used to be 50+kg when I'm in primary school and sec 1. I confess I'm genuinely a pot-bellied girl during that time. But as time elapse, I began to shake of some weight till I was 40+kg(Mama says it might be puberty).
Gonna stop here. I'm not elaborating any further, in case it evoke me of the morose exploit last year. It was just to intricate to sketch it further. Aiyo, see la! Tears froming up in my eyes once more! Jiayan! 打起精神来! 不要在想不愉快的事了! (:
Alright. Shall stop here then. Oink! <^@@^>
Saturday, June 12, 2010 ♥
♥ 9:15 PM
Lingered at home the entire day. Dull and lifeless day for me. Have been haeding out for the past few days. So, do my homework. (:
I'm still left with plenty of work undone. Fml. Why am I such a fucking toot? Gonna buck up and make sure I wind up my tasks by next tuesday. Teehee.
And lastly, to prompt myself, SAVE MONEY!!! I've been spending and spending non-stop. Was intending not to snap out anymore stuffs but jiejie was spoiling my intention. She bought wedges! Wth? The wedge damn attract my attention. Fml.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010 ♥
♥ 9:51 PM
I've make up my mind...
>NOT to buy excessive clothings this holiday.
>Buy exclusive stuffs that are necessary.
>Find a part-time job.
That's it, I expect. Yea, I know it's folly of me not to snap up clothings when the Great Singapore sales is here. Feel contrite about spending my money without even giving it a thought for the past few months. This is my punishment, I guess. Buoyantly, I could have an ample supply of money saved for the upcoming holiday in December.(:
Damn fucking abhor my cockeyed hair. It's hell destroyed and ghastly. Going to plead mama to let me have hair treatment. Hehe!
♥ 7:14 PM
(Picture taken during one of the NDP rehearsal with Gui Sing. hehe.)I want camera.
I want macbook.
I want laptop.
I want blackberry phone.
I want i-phone.
There's countless stuffs I'm craving. Heard from jiejie that i-phone 4G is turning up this month. I fancy both i-phone and blackberry phone seh. Sigh, again pondering and wishing for stuffs I hanker after that won't exist. Ought to stop daydreaming and get on with my study.
S.T.U.D.Y! Here I come.....!!!
Today will be the very last time I'm gonna slack, I promise. Off to fb now. Byebye!!^@@^
Sunday, June 6, 2010 ♥
♥ 3:53 PM
Saturday, June 5, 2010 ♥
♥ 9:37 AM
It's been a week since I updated my bloggie once more. Ample busy with the industrial attachment organise by school for student to expose themselves to working. Hehe. Opportune to be chosen. But the salary is only 50 bucks, which was damn cheap luh. Working for 8hrs a day and paid only 10 bucks. How poignant man!
Just happen to leaf through some information on dieting while googling. I do have an opinion. I think it is foolish for people to procced on having diet. Diet means no delcious and yummy meals for you, Just imagine! No muching on your best-loved food! How miserable can it be! No wonder mama kept repeating the statement "吃是福". So in conclusion, if you want to lose weight. EXERCISE! Lol. Justing kpo-ing a bit as somebody thinks I'm on diet! OMG LUH! How can I possibly be on diet when I have 3 meals a day plus some snacks. I've gain weight so I'm not on diet... haha.
NDP rehearsal later fucking ruin my mood. How I wish I can stay at home and do my holiday assignment. I haven't done a single one!!