Sunday, September 26, 2010 ♥
♥ 9:47 PM
A little depressed now. Won't be updating blog till exam is over then. Byes!
Friday, September 17, 2010 ♥
♥ 9:37 PM

Feeling a little depressed today. A-maths test makes my mood goes wrong. Sigh. Gonna end the post here then. Lol.
Friday, September 10, 2010 ♥
♥ 5:41 PM

Watch 'Step up 3' with jie jie a few days ago. It's damn awe-inspiring! I love the girl, Natalie, I think. Her dance was incredibly awesome! *Envy
Decide to eliminate my tagboard as it was discernibly defunct. I feel too disconvention to put it up there while no one is tagging, spamming or doing something about it.
Mum is sick. Probably is because of fuming at didi the past few days. Get well soon mama!! I love you ttm!! XD
It seems that nowadays, retribution is undoubtedly rallying around. Ha, it's time for you to wake up man. Or should I knock your head till you grasp what's really happening. You make my life disconsolate, so will I make yours. No, I didn't. You yourself make it like this. I'm just sitting down there, putting my feet's up to watch. I don't know why, but my heart told me I can't forgive you anymore. You make me lifeless. You make me snivel everyday. My mum thought I was going insane and wanted to send me to the mental hospital. Don't you know that kind of feeling? You are becoming like me, I guess so. You are a leading a life which I've experience before. How does it feel like then?? Would you like to share with me??
Okay. I'll post till here then. Nowadays, I find nothing that I can post about. Have been lingering at home lately.
Saturday, September 4, 2010 ♥
♥ 7:36 PM
Hey there got back results yesterday. My english is still damn disappointing. Sigh. Got 1 C and 6 As. Sigh. Gtg now. byes.
Thursday, September 2, 2010 ♥
♥ 8:44 PM
I'm feeling a bit dismay now. Are all friends of mine meant to be like this??
I recall that ever since P4, my friends have been looking down on me. They despise me. They mock at me, saying that I'm fat, ugly etc etc. I've no best friends since I left my P3 mates. I horribly miss them. I regret that I haven't done well for my EOY exam, and dropped to a class where no one is virtuous. Everyone just treated me like a bullshit, toying me around as if I'm an idiot. But I don't mind. Cus you're are just lamer than me who say, "oh let's pretend to be friends with jiayan!" which was totally a hoax. But haha, you all are the one who is folly enough to let me find out the secret that you all plan. Well, it was the most childish secret that I've ever heard.
But thanks to you all, from that year onwards, I trust myself that deep down in my heart, I would have a talent that had yet to be discovered.
Then I left that bunch of horrible friends and i met together with my P3 classmates again. We have fun through the 2 years. But seperated when we got admitted into secondary school.
Secondary life has been tough for me. Friends whom I care left me. Friends whom I trust become distrustful. And disaster came to me. I was too stress till I cried everyday. I was so fearful. I live in a deadly world. Secondary 3. I became pretty pretty speechless. I was like living in a dead world. Just like what bella( new moon) had did when Edward left her.
Haish This post is tempting me to cry. Shall stop here then.