Saturday, December 25, 2010 ♥
♥ 3:37 PM
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry christmas everyone!! XD
I cannot convinced myself that I have only one week left and school is starting!! Oh gosh. It really makes me irked as I've not done much at all. Jiayan, you are such a damp squib. =(
December is such a horrid month. It makes my heart ache so much. I wish I can head to school everyday without holidays. Staying at home seems a hard time for me.
Till here then. Byes!! XD
Saturday, December 18, 2010 ♥
♥ 1:47 PM
Yesterday was mad. Fought with didi. In the end I'm the only one getting reprimanded. Unfair. I'm only being hilarious by saying him an orange man as he was wearing orange top and pants. He came on hitting me and stepping on my leg making me scream on the top of my voice. As a result, mama woke up being mad, scolded me which resulted in me being mad. How ungrateful!!!!!!!!!
Head to Marina Boulevard yesterday together with papa mama and didi to collect me and didi's FDWDA scholarship. MRT was damn crowded and I almost ran out of breath...
Skip the Ceremony part. I was happy that mama let me sign up for the nebo thing. Whoohoo. Love her ttm!!!
Gonna go now. Can't wait for dance later... Byes!! (:
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 ♥
♥ 6:36 PM
Today was a damn torrid day for me! Woke up with sweat sticking on every part of my body! Yucky!! XP Lol.
Head out with jiejie today. She was craving for Koi. Frankly speaking, Formerly, I did not drink, so decide to accompany her and get the taste of it.
I was daydreaming throughout the journey to clementi. It was all that ludicrous didi who wake me up early in the morning. But thanks to him, I manage to complete half of my A-maths homework questions. ^^

Luckily it wasn't a long queue when we reach there. If not, my leg would have been broken while waiting. Haha. Decided to head to Jurong Point after getting our drinks. ICE CREAM TEA! It was stupendous. I enjoyed sipping up the ice-cream from the bottom. Haha, yum yum!
And jiejie and me was arguing whether we shoukd take bus or MRT. We were not allowed to take drinks inside the MRT. Waiting for a bus was damn agony long. In the end we came to a conclusion. Sit down and drink till there's nothing left. Lol. Such a 'nice' solution.

Till here then. I'm lazy to post nowadays. Byes.
Friday, December 10, 2010 ♥
♥ 11:18 PM
Hey hey! Today was damn awesome. I'm mad happy till mama scolded me for my highness. Lol.
Dinner with family just now at din tai fung. I'm a little dissatisfied as it the xiao long bao was not the same as crystal jade. But overall it was still delectable.
Okay. Pretty exhausted now. Gotta go. Byes!
Thursday, December 9, 2010 ♥
♥ 5:22 PM
Oh yea. Finally get to login and blog. It's been years since I blog.
Dance concert was awesome. I was awfully sad that it was over. Gonna miss the fun times.
Till here then.