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The Silent Heartbreak.

Friday, November 15, 2013 ♥
Dedicating to Family ♥ 11:40 PM

Just realise how pampered am I and how wrong am I in the first place. I shouldn't have do this shouldn't have done that. A lot of shouldn't-s I've been doing.. Sighh.. I disappoint everyone around me really... Most of all I disappoint myself...




Mum. Dad. I'm really sorry for all those stupid things that I've done. I know its too late but still I want to apologise. I don't know how to make it up for you two, but I'm sure I disappoint you two by making all those mistakes that I shouldn't have done. I shouldn't have say things like you all don't love and care for me or you all always treat sis and bro better than me or whatsoever which I know hurt your feelings. Didn't even realise that I was so childish all along until today. After talking with sis, I realise how wrong am I in the first place to blame you two all along. Should have considered all those things that you two have been doing for me. I'm really very sorry. I'll try my best to change my attitude.




My dearest sister. I did a lot of wrong things to you but still you understand and keep forgiving and giving in to me. You have always been a listening ear to me, hearing me rant and complain things in school that I'm upset about, giving me advice. You are always sharing things with me, and joking around with me. You are a really great sister and I'm proud to have a sister like you. I'm sorry for doing all those nasty and horrible things to you. I'm not fit to be your sister. I totally disappoint you. I'm really very sorry.




My annoying little brother. I know I'm always blaming you saying that it was you that snatch all the love away from mum, and saying nasty and horrible things to you. You are a really great brother but maybe sometimes I can't stand all those proudness you show out. I know that your studies are better than me and sis but I'm always hoping that you can maintain it. I'm sorry for throwing things at you and saying crappy things about you.

Sunday, August 19, 2012 ♥
♥ 7:28 PM

Okay, I'm suppose to be studying now and not to be up here posting but still.... XDD

3 papers down and left with 2 more. =) But still, I think I won't be able to get a good GPA this time. All my revisions are last minute, which means I studied the day before my exam starts, which means I'm not prepared for my exams at all!! =(( Haiz, was expecting myself to study on the first week of term 2 and I end up starting my revision on the week of the exam... Need to get at least a GPA of 3.5 this time, if not mum's gonna kill me and sis gonna laugh at me once more. >.<

Just came back home... Hope I'll be in the mood to study later. Not hope, it's a MUST!!

Really miss my long hair eversince I've chopped it off.

My hair doesn't seems to be growing. Its still pretty short from the last time I cut it. They say comb your hair often will make your hair grow longer. Gonna try it see if its true...

Till here, gonna go eat my dinner and start mugging!! XDD

Thursday, April 19, 2012 ♥
♥ 10:46 PM

Yo! Back to posting! Today was a really great day for me! Had fun singing Karaoke and eating dinner while chatting with my classmates! They were just so awesome!! The last few days were fun too! Especiallu during IHLFM Tutorial! Have fun cam-whoring with classmates and even Ms Jane Tan (IHLFM Lecturer) too!! She was just so nice! The best lecturer so far!!
Some pictures taken during that day! (Credits to Peiling and Eric. ^_^)

Was also pondering whether I should apply for the BCA Scholarship. The award is just so attractive! It covers our full course fee during our 3-years stay in polytechnics and we will be given $900 monthly allowance!! However, we've to take up Property and Facilities Management option when we are in year 3, and after our studies, we have to work for 2 years in the company and our pay will be $2500, which is a good news but also a bad one as: 1) What if I didn't want to take Property ans Facilities Management? 2) What if i don't like the working condition? Well, if this happens, then I'm gonna regret for it for sure. But the awards really capture my attention! IMAGINE! Loads of money to spend! NO WORRIES OF NO MONEY!! XD
Okay. Going off now! Jiejie is nagging at me already!! Haha Byes!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 ♥
♥ 8:58 PM

Hey! Hey!

I'm back to posting! =) Have been quite a while since i post. So what should I talk about? Hmm, maybe about my first two days of poly life? How should i\I say it? It was freaking damn damn awesome except for some lectures which are pretty boring. IHLFM was boring but okay as the lecturer was fun. PMGMT was boring but its okay as we are given notes, so I'm able to study and understand at home if I get sleepy and bump onto the table to snore. Gen Ed was fun too. But the awful thing is, I STILL HAVE TO STUDY PHYSICS THOUGH I'M IN DHLFM!!! Uhh, damn it. It was under the BS I, where we have to study all those physics-related stuffs. And the first topic is electricity, which was worst, as I'm not really good in that topic. But lucky me, its just the basics of electricity so its not so bored and I'm able to understand it easily. =)

Well, but it's still awesome as I'VE AN AWESOME COURSE WITH AN AWESOME CLASS AND AWESOME FRIENDS!! Love my class to the max!! XD

Okay Got to go now! =)

Sunday, April 8, 2012 ♥
♥ 5:52 PM

Hey! =D I'm finally back to post! It's been like ages since i'm posting again. Holidays for me were so damn boring! I'm always at home, either sleeping or eating like almost everyday! Haha! I'm glad that holidays is almost over and i can be back studying again! And orientation is tomorrow! Yays! XD

Went to trim and dye my hair today! Was supposingly doing it yesterday, but Jacky push me to joined the Advance beginner class song! So went to trim it today! =D

Okay, gonna post about the last two days where i'm out with my bunch of crazy shopping babes! (Photos credit to Yuling ^_^)

06/04/2012 (Friday)


Firstly, train to Somerset and have lunch at the foodcourt at 313. Saw Sarah, Qi Fan, Jinru and the others there while we are on the way up from the escalators. They went shopping too! Haha. Ate Chicken rice at the foodcourt! <3 It's been a long time since i lunch outside! And most of all, I've been craving for chicken rice for a long time! Didn't eat it for quite a long time after quitting my job. =P

After lunching, went shopping for clothes at The Editor's Market in Cineleisure. The clothes sold there were damn awesome and unique! Stella and I grab a lot of tops and bottoms to tryout! Gen and Yuling were shopping on their own too, and was like oh that was nice and they both took the same clothes to try. Haha. They are so cute. But in the end we each bought three out of the whole clothings that we took. And guess what? We spent more than 2 hours in that shop alone! Can you believe it? Oh and by the way, I saw my senior in the shop too!! Haha. XD

After that, went down to the basement and bought Nachos fries from Best Fries Forever to eat. <3

After munching on our fries, went down to scape and check out on Oschool, but it was closed on Good Friday. =( Really wanted to go Oschool to dance though, but I can't bear to leave dancefactory since I've been there for 2 years plus. *Fickledminded...

Train down to bugis after that. Went bugis street to shop around and bought a pair of shoes. (Don't know what that's shoes called but it looks like some kind of boots.) Was pondering and "fickering around" whether to buy it at first, but in the end i just bought as I LOVE IT TO THE MAX.! After walking around buying what we want, head off to the foodcourt at Bugis Junction and had our dinner there. Ate Wanton mee... =)

Photos taken below when we are at foodcourt =) :

Tada! That's how much things we bought together! XD

After dinner, went toilet and camwhore...

Me stuffing the shoes that i bought into the big plastic bag. =P

Took one more picture before we left the station...
And one last picture before the MRT moved off. =)
Went home at around 10 plus. It was a tiring day but fun too. Mum didn't manage to see how much things i bought. XP And I was so damn lazy to practice for my dance audition for the next day. I just simply lay on bed and go Zzzzzzz.....
It's the audition day! XD Woke up on 11 plus in the morning. Actually, woke up on 10 plus but was to lazy to get up, so ended up lying on bed for 1 hour. Haha. To be honest, i wasn't even worried about it! I just bathe, pack my bag and left the house without even practising the dance steps at home!
Meet up with Yuling at the bus-stop and went to the stadium together. Reached there at 1 plus, and a whole group of us started recapping and practicing the dance steps for various songs. However, during the recapping session, i'm still not nervous yet. I was dancing and playing like nothing is going in my way. Lol. And when Jinglin asked me whether we're confident with her choreo, i confidentally said the word "Yes" without even noticing what i'm saying, which i feel a bit embarassed afterwards.
Tick tock tick tock, and here comes 3:30PM! THE AUDITION TIME! Went up to Level 5 studio to prepare ourselves. Won't be saying about the audition then. But overall, it was quite okay (I think) as i manage to do from the first step to the last, though for some songs like I Got You; I nearly fall down while doing the running step but nobody noticed it, i think, and Hard To Breathe; I did not roll well on the floor though but did manage to turn around. Haha. But it's over so, Phew! After auditioning, joined the advance beginner class song. It was fun and I really like the dance steps.
After the dancing, went to eat dinner together with my crazy shopping babes! We had long john silver! =D Because Stella and I decide to find a weekend part-time job near our area, we decide to go The Cocoa Tree at Jurong Point to ask if they are hiring people. However, in the end, we went on saying that we want to buy chocolates and went up to NTUC, where the chocolates are cheaper. Head to the chocolates section at Fairprice Xtra and throw all the chocolates we want into the basket.

At first, we only decide to buy chocolates, however we ended up at the bread section, buying nutella and bread. We were laughing and saying that if we lived under the same roof, our house will have tons of fridge and wardrobes as all the things we like to do and buy are almost the same! XD
Shocked at how many chocolates and the bread we bought!
Say cheese with our chocolates...
Alas! Here's how much we bought together in the end! I bought 2 Hershey's cookies n creme nuggets, 1 Hershey's cookies n creme kisses, 1 packet of Toblerone and 1 packet of chocolate pudding! Got one packet of Hershey's cookies n creme nuggets free from the customer service centre too! All chocolates! How nice can that be?? XD
Decide to went home after that. If not we'll be continue buying stuffs! Can't just stop ourselves from buying, regardless of clothings, shoes, accessories, groceries and many many more! Girls, I really can't imagine how we are going to be if we are leaving under the same roof. Haha!
Girls, I really feel good going out with you all. We probably will have difficulties seeing each other again and go shopping like this the next time, as all of us will be busy with our own work in our poly life, though we can still meet each other during dance. But I really really hope that we can still meet each other and go out shopping like this. =)
Got to go now! Byes! =)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 ♥
♥ 6:39 PM

Well, it's about time i should post. Seems like I've left my blog dead for ages. Shall try to post as much as I could to cure my boredness. Seriously, I've been slacking for a week now, after quitting my job. =/

Sunday, May 1, 2011 ♥
♥ 8:35 PM

I'm feeling a bit distress now.
Why is it this year, this time and now??
Can you just put the cold war to a halt??
It's not the right time...
I can't concentrate on my studies.
Tears are forming up in my eyes when I saw how you two are treating each other.
Please stop it.
SNSD MR TAXI!! Omg! They are damn agony HOT!! XD It's driving me crazy now.

Okay Till here then!! byes!!