Friday, May 28, 2010 ♥
♥ 1:28 PM
FML. I obviously can't survive any longer. I know I'm a fucking bitch in your eyes. So what? I've learnt how to tolerate you, so now it should be yours. Must be unbiased hurh?
It's just too unbelievable that I'm blabbering garbages that muck my bloggie. I'm way too far vague by my attitude the past few days. My mood totally changes like a zoom. So, right at this moment, I'm going to have a silent thought on how I'm gonna deal with it. Think I won't be posting much until I've meditate on my actions.
NDP rehearsal tomorrow seriously will slaughter me like a pig.
Thursday, May 27, 2010 ♥
♥ 7:49 PM
Just back from dance. I'm starving, so having mama's tasty dinner. Hehe.
Got back results today. Okay I'm not going to type out and show the results here. It's just so weird. Manage to get 6 As and 1 C. The pathetic C appear to be my English. Wth. And during PTM, it was hell unlucky to have Mr Lien to talk to mama. All the talkings seems to be focused on my English command. He press me into promising him a couples of things which I'm afraid that I won't be able to do so. Somemore right infront of mama.
1) Read at least 3 newspaper and write a sum up the text everyday.
2) Practice on 2 comprehension everyday.
3) Write 1 compostion in every 2 days.
Lol. It will seriously put me to death man. How am I going to savour in holidays? But, I'm going to make an effort to try on those 'killer' methods that Mr Lien present to me. Heck, I'm really going lunatic.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 ♥
♥ 3:20 PM
I can't believe I had been using computer everyday. It seems like I've so much time. Lol.
Well, someone show me that fucking face today in school. Wouldn't care about it so much. It will only pissed me off.
I've not been eating well for lunch, I guess. Everytime I came back home expecting mama to cook, but she ended up cooking only for didi. Poor me, have to had biscuits to cure my hunger. ): I'm trying to save money, so decide not to eat outside, accept when there is a need to stay back after school. And once I start eating biscuit, I will never end, as my home is filled with all my favourite biscuit. Guess I'm going to get fat now. (:
Off to fb now!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 ♥
♥ 6:37 PM
I'm so damn fucking tired today. Had to force myself to open my eyes widely, to see clearly.
Well, this week is the science week so we have to display our project in the library and show the other schoolmates how does the experiment work. Apparently there is one idiotic bustard there, which totally pissed me off. He kept coming to our booth and simply just waste our stuffs which was suppose to make the experiment work out. In the end, we have none left. We kept chasing him off to his own booth, and he just come back. Nabeh. Damn you larh!
Till here then. (:
Sunday, May 23, 2010 ♥
♥ 8:18 PM
Trip to viviocity with jiejie today!! Yay!! Damn love it man!! It's been a long time since I went there the last time. Actually, we was planning to go there yesterday, but the idiotic rain make us stay at home. ): We shop around there for a quite a long time. Jiejie was spending loads of money on clothes man. Rich girl ehs? As for me, I bought just one mango tanktop cus need to save money for rainy days. Haha. I want to buy this and that, but I was at there telling myself, I'm going to give myself a 'baluku' if I spend money again. Haha. I was looking for the hearts stocking that jiejie mention to me, but sadly it was out of stock. Damn! Maybe heading out next week again to hunt for it. (:
Yay! School tomorrow, which I'm so not sure why I'm so damn fucking happy about it. Lol. Lol.
Friday, May 21, 2010 ♥
♥ 3:17 PM
I was kind of moody now, while eating my cadbury chocolate. Sigh. I wanted to hang out but somehow I'm feeling so damn hell tired, which makes my bud stick on the chair, refusing to pull it off. Heh heh.
Hope later jiejie will ask me out or anything, but I think she won't. Guess I've to rot the whole afternoon then! ):
Thursday, May 20, 2010 ♥
♥ 8:18 PM
Oh my God!! Mama is sick right now. Sigh Sigh! Hope she will be well tomorrow. I hate to see her in this state. Get well soon mama!!
Just came back from dance class and having my dinner now. Haiz. Don't feel like posting. ):
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 ♥
♥ 4:00 PM
Heh heh. Ah, damn me, still dare to laugh. Just one word, disappointment, to describe my emotion now. I'm so utterly disappointed. I don't feel like doing anything at all. Though my marks are still okay. but seeing carelessness on my paper was totally unforgivable. I was just so angry that I make silly mistakes again and again. It makes me feel annoyed and looke like a clown and I hate clowns, especially those with big reddy nose. Okay, I'm not trying to say that I'm totally unhappy with the results I've gotten, but it was all those revolution mistakes I've made over and over again. It sucks to the hell man! I should really go bang my head on the wall and have a 'baluku' on my head. Lol. That make it worst. =x
I'm not gonna post my results up here till I got all of them, or maybe when I get my result slip next week. God, parent-teacher meeting. I hate it man. Teachers will tend to act infront of parents.
Oh and by the way, guess what jiejie treat us for dinner last sunday?? It's crystal jade la mian xiao long bao!!! It's my first time there. Actually, I wanted to take photos of the scrumptious food, but I was too busy stuffing myself with food especially the xiao long bao and the jian bao!! God God. Next time if I have a job and earn loads of money, I want to treat my family dinner too!! (:
Sigh. I'm feeling very depressed and moody nowadays. Just who the hell am I?! I feeli like I'm no one but a bitch. A bitch that does not stand a postion at all.
Sunday, May 16, 2010 ♥
♥ 3:46 PM
Am I going to face failure or success tomorrow??
Here I go again, blabbering about MYE. Oh man, it seriously sucks to face failure.
Was a piggy till 12 plus today, as i slept at 4 plus in the morning today. Went to night shopping with papa, mama and didi. Jiejie didn't tag along cus she wants to act a guai kia study at home. Haha.
Heading out later together with family to celebrate Happy belated mama's day. We miss it the last week as it was exam period for me and didi. And guess what? My arrogant jiejie was going to treat us a dinner. How sweet man. Lol. 一个很难得的机会!
Saturday, May 15, 2010 ♥
♥ 10:34 PM

Good News!! I've gain 1kg. From 36 to 37. Haha! Lol. I thought I will be very upset but I'm not. Hehe!! 158cm, 37kg. Not proportionate hurh?? I've been eating 5 times a day during the exam period. Let's recap. Morning, drank milo, eat bread and some chocolates. After the first paper, recess, eat bread or biscuit. At noon had one big bowl of rice. Have some chocolates and biscuits for tea. Dinner was the same as lunch. And that's how I manage to gain 1kg. Ha. Now, mama and papa can finally stop nagging at me telling me to eat more. I really hate it when they keep looking at the way I eat and asking me whether I've eaten. It's super damn irritating, making me pissed off.
Just come back from dance class. Now, having my cup noodle for late dinner. Curry Ramen. Yums! (:
♥ 2:40 PM
A boring day for me yeas?? I'm rotting at home right now. I hate it. It makes me feel stressed and upset everytime. Sigh. I had to had my lunch in my room alone to make myself release out the hot air inside me. Eating in the dining room makes me feel weird and angry. Lol. Lol. Seeing how the way my family behaves makes me feel fed up. Haiz. Gonna stop talking/thinking about all this nonsensical stuffs before the bomb inside me explodes.
Okays. Till here then. Seriously hate the life I'm having now. ):
Friday, May 14, 2010 ♥
♥ 9:56 PM

Hey hey! Second post for today! God, I still have not done tidying up my table and cupboard. I was playing computer till half way, when jiejie gave a sudden call to me and say " Eh, we go JP shop". Lol. It was such a rush for me man. Quickly shut the computer, head to bath and get ready. And I was so fucked up by choosing the wrong shoes to wear. I should have wear the high soles platform sport shoes instead of this golden sport shoes. It help me to makes bruises on my leg and I've to spent money buying another slipper to help me 'endure' my pain. Waste my precious money. Sigh. So went to shop around, and bought a pair of earrings and legband. Yahoo! Two of this items are out of my craving list. (: Then, went to dine at banquet. Tried the yong tau fu, and it was damn delicious. I always thought that yong tau fu sells toufu, which I hate the most, so I just simply hate the stalls which states yong tau fu. Haha. But saw jiejie eat and looks yummy so decide to try it. Hehe. Next time must go eat again. Lol Lol.
Okay, till here then. Back to my secret plan. Teehee...
♥ 12:51 PM
It's a no school day! :DD Was rotting at home right now. Sigh. Actually was planning to wake up around 12 plus, but I was in a horrible place when I'm sleeping. So no choice, have to get out of that place. Haha.
Papa bought a huge chocolate bread for me. It was about 20cm long. It was damn delicious. Manage to finish the whole bread. The chocolates inside is like kind of hershey's chocolate but it is very very tiny. Thus, on conclusion, I called it a 'Hershey' chocolate bread. Haha. Hope papa will buy more of it for me to eat. I love chocolates!!
After eating head back to room and start on my duty roster. Went to pack my study table which is occupy by loads of paper. After about a few hours, I gave up, as there is really damn lot of stuffs!! I still have my cupboard full of untidy clothes to tidy up! How can I finish it?
I'm gonna change myself, really, by this coming June holiday. No one gonna stop me.
Thursday, May 13, 2010 ♥
♥ 9:31 PM
Two things to post about. Actually, I should have posted one earlier, but I have really no time.
God damn knows what the hell I'm doing so you all needn't to know what I'm thinking. I seriously cannot take it any longer with every moments that I'm going to experience. You all may think I'm insane, but in factual, I'm not. Since you all keep ranting about stuffs that I do not want to hear or even talk about, what for bother me? Just leave me alone will do man. At least I could get some peace...
(Just ranting about some nonsense, which shouldn't be posted up in my blog. But it seems to occur like a revolution where it will repeat on and on. It never ever stop before, which pissed me off.)
Back from MYE! All I have to say is just one word which I'm now suppose to prepare for. DIE! =X I think I'm gonna flunk in all my papers. Let's recap:
EL paper 1 and 2. Was quite okay, though I didn't manage to have time to check.
MT paper 1 and 2. Was quite okay too. Was now hoping that I did not write out of point for paper 1.
E-maths paper 1 and 2. I got a feeling that I'm gonna flunk in this subject which I did not want to. Maths is my favourite subject. I was quite upset though, after both the papers. Sigh!
A-maths. Was okay. Manage to finish all the questions in the last few minutes. Lucky me!
Chemistry. Sigh! I think I'm gonna flunk in here too. It was damn difficult.
Physics. I'm not sure. Okay? Bad? Good? Haiz. But I got a feeling that I did not did well either.
Social Studies. God! I'm going mad. I didn't manage to finish it, as the time given is seriously damn not enough. We are only given 1 hr to finish 3 parts of SBQ and 2 parts of SEQ, and we have to write long essays. They should at least give another 30 mins for us to complete it.
Same goes for History. ):
Sigh! I got a feeling that I'm not going to do well. I got a feeling that I can't even get an 'A'. I didn't manage to check all the papers. I should have work harder. I should have practice more. I should have plan my time table well. I should have put in more effort. I should have do a lot of things that will not make me regret. And right now, I'm regretting, fearing that something will make me do things that I'm not suppose to do.
Right now, Just pray that I will do well in my MYE. Off to do some 'important' stuffs. Heck, it's a secret. Haha! XD
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